Munich Beer Experience and Museum

The best stuff is brewing in Munich

Our charitable association MBEM e.V. - Munich's Beer Experience


We share a joint goal: To create and build a world famous home for Munich's Beer History and Experience: The Beer World Munich!

In our vision the future Munich Beer Experience and Museum (MBEM) will be a fun, entertaining and cultural meeting place, an international centre all around Munich Beer. Our goal is to design and open the renown and distinct Beer-World-Munich.

Independent from any Munich's brewing companies, we will unite friends of Munich's history, tradition and lifestyle to create a new centerpiece of visitor attraction.

Our association is non-profit and strictly charitable as attested by the Bavarian Tax Authority.

We are rooted in the 700 year tradition of beer brewing in Munich. We are committed to serve Munich's citizens, visitors and fans who what to get insights into Munich's Beer history, its wide brewing variations and culinary uniqueness. 

The association is bound to its founding guidelines, which can be downloaded below (although in German). Excerpts of our guidelines are as follows.




The association targets...

  • enhance insights to Munich's brewing tradition - originating in cloistral craft and brewing trade
  • shed light on the many interrelations between Munich's lifestyle, brewing craft and brewing trade
  • widen appreciation for different brews, its tastes and diverse beer marks originating in Munich and its brewing houses
  • create excitement about historic events and brewding tradition
  • highlight the relevance of beer in Munich's yearly lifecycle with beergardens, beer festivities and fairs





Our targets will be realized through...

  • concepts for interaction, entertainment and education
  • ...planning and support for setting up a suitable site and multi-purpose location for Munich's Beer World including a cultural centre 

More details details are specified in our associations articles and charter (available in German).

The association's activities are solely funded by charitable donation and contribution. The use of the association's funds is bound by the charter and its targets.

Our most valued asset are the members of our association. Each member enhances the power of our team and strengthens our capability for targeted actions. We cherish each member's financial and timely contribution. Only jointly will we be able to realize our targets. 


We reach out to an international community of friends and donators who share our dream and vision.   

